Solid Mechanics was the first division established at LTH, now the technical faculty at Lund University. The first head of the division, Bertam Broberg, was also the first professor at LTH and even dean. He was instrumental in the establishment of the LTH campus. The Division of Solid Mechanics is part of the Department of Construction Sciences.
The research at the Division of Solid Mechanics (Hållfasthetslära) is focused on constitutive modeling, nonlinear numerical methods, structural optimization, coupled problems and experimental mechanics all with applications to materials including, metals, polymers, fibre materials and granular/geo-materials. Numerical methods, such as the finite element method, serve as the base for much of our research with significant developments in the theoretical bases for material models to capture, for example the micro mechanics. The research in experimental mechanics is closely coupled to our modelling and focuses on capturing the microscopic origins of deformation phenomena and includes extensive use of neutron and x-ray based methods, including with MAXIV and ESS. The division also hosts the "4D Imaging Lab” infrastructure for x-ray tomography. Our bachelor and masters level course are to a great extent influenced by the research at the division.
The Division of Solid Mechanics is responsible for courses in solid mechanics and engineering mechanics, taught within several engineering programmes at LTH. The courses range from introductory to advanced level. We also have a strong research education program including bachelor and masters thesis projects and a dynamic PhD group working on projects in all areas of our research.